Test Grid

Small Business Plan


⇒ mobile friendly theme
⇒ page nodes
⇒ articles / blogs nodes
⇒ image galleries
⇒ polls
⇒ testimonials
⇒ webforms
⇒ documents
⇒ teasers linking to full node
⇒ built in search



⇒ secure login point
⇒ member self registration
⇒ member account and password management
⇒ member password recovery
⇒ member newsletter subscription management
⇒ member registration requests to groups

Member Groups:

⇒ web admin control of groups
⇒ group level access to control
⇒ subscription and unsubscription
⇒ managers can invite and boot members

Permission Access Control and Search:
Logged in members can access both public and secure content
Search engine provides results for public, secure and group specific content

User accounts sync to API linked MailChimp account
User can subscribe / un-subscribe to newsletters

Manage contacts and link to user accounts
Manage organisations
Join contacts to their organisations

Responsive / mobile friendly admin theme
User dashboard for easy navigation

External Services:
Mandrill integration (medium and enterprise)
Solr integration (medium and enterprise)
Alfresco integration (medium and enterprise)

Professional Plan

Enterprise Plan