Tip: Learn How To Convert More Of Your Site's Visitors To Customers


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Your website is the first experience most of your prospects will have of your business. Unlike a shop front where you would physically meet a customer, your website needs to attract and "meet" with your web visitor.

Attracting web visitors is a critical component to business growth. Improving the quality and quantity of visitors requires understanding your prospect and reviewing that with the browsing behaviours of your visitors so you can optimise your search engine strategy.

Google Analytics is the reporting tool of choice for understanding your website traffic and thus the catalyst to converting website visitors to customers.

You may already have Google Analytics plugged into your website. You may have it installed but do not know how to access it. You may want it to email you every month. Or you may need it installed on your website to begin recording your traffic data.

Whatever stage your website is Digital Catalyst are here to help. Let us show you how to improve your bottom line with this great tool.