Start With An Intelligent Website Design and Application Platform
It is difficult for people to consider your business with a poor website as credible, or without a website. Your website is usually the first place that prospects explore your suitability to service them. Its purpose is to be found in search engines, deliver a clear message, and differentiate your business.
But like any marketing exercise you do, the purpose of a website is about return on investment.
Talking to us you will come to understand:
- we consider your spend investment and how long it takes to pay for itself
- we seek to eliminate the likelihood of starting over again when adding features later
- we shape our solutions around your business, not the other way around
Not all website platforms are created equal:
Most software and website solutions are developed with an application mindset which highlight what you can do with it out of the box.
Our solution is different. It is developed with a framework mindset, focusing on what you can build with it.
The core systems of our application platform make no hard-coded assumptions about your business model, making simple things easy to deliver, but at the same time privileging developers and site builders at the core level to build custom solutions to suit where they need to.
Get everything you need, and more:
Getting a return on your investment is where our platform outperforms others. Its main tenets are:
- mobile-first mindset
- configured to be easy to add, edit and manage content yourself
- backboned on a permission-based achitecture (e.g. what can the public see, your staff, site members, admins?)
- search engine friendly from the ground up
- 1000s of well-supported fucntional modules to make the system intelligent
- easily manage data, documents, reporting, workflow and event logic
- blistering load times
- scalable from small sites to enterprise sites
- continuous maintenance paradigm
- stable and module longevity platform
- rigorously resilient to hackers
API-first providing foundations for integrations with other systems
Hosting and Maintenance
We build on the open source Drupal CMS platform. You are free to take the system we build for you to your own hosting partner.
However, if you choose to host your Drupal CMS with us, we take on full responsibility under an SLA to maintain security, updates, and extensions for you. That way you can focus on running your business.
Why Talk To Us?
Most of our new business clients have been referred to us by happy customers. This is because the solutions we produce for customers pay for themselves, often within a very short time, either financially or in savings of time.
As a business owner, we also understand that you do not have to be tech savvy to know what you want. We only ask you to define your business level requirements and we handle the how-to through our technology.
So contact us today to discuss your requirements.