Tip: When disaster hits, be ready!!


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Backup, Backup, Backup !!!!

Disasters can vary in size. Minor ones may cause annoyance and perhaps lost documents could be resent back by a client.  Of course even for small ones the loss in time taken up recovering your data is still a loss in time.

But what happens if the disaster is a major one.  A damaged hard drive, a theft, a fire, a flood, or even employee sabotage?

Does your business have a plan to be able to recover quickly and continue trading?

At some stage every business should consider this point. It is the conversation not often had, but one that needs to be had.


Having a strategy is best thought of like insurance. You may not need it now or tomorrow, but when you do it is too late...


Our solutions protect business data and provide business owners with a degree of confidence in the process and the recovery. They include the following benefits and more:

  • We provide automatic protection both to the cloud and/or onto other LAN drives.
  • Our systems can protect whole servers (as images), NAS drives, SQL databases, Exchange databases, or right down to backing up certain folders and files
  • Our pricing is small-business friendly and flexibly based on space usage and server count. You can buy low and upgrade your backup plan as you needed
  • Our backup systems are secure and use SSL encryption around your data
  • We implement with the view of overcoming disaster as quickly as possible